Fotos: INSEL-PROJEKT.BERLIN GmbH | Fotografin: Ines Grabner
Impressions of the opening of the outdoor exhibition
This is how the opening of the outdoor exhibition on Hardenbergplatz went on 24th of August 2023. To the impressions
The SMART SPACE Hardenbergplatz pilot project aims to transform the area in front of Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten by 2026. In collaboration with Berlin's citizens, the projects transforms the area from a typical station square into a vibrant city plaza with improved quality of stay and usage as well as smart mobility offerings. SMART SPACE Hardenbergplatz follows a transdisciplinary approach, bringing together governmental actors, businesses, and academia, whilst including citizens and users through participatory processes.
To make spaces like Hardenbergplatz more demand-oriented in the future, it requires new forms of managing public areas, such as innovative operating models.
Within the SMART SPACE Hardenbergplatz project, the following goals are intended to be achieved:
These goals aim to transform Hardenbergplatz into a more responsive and user-centric space, utilizing innovative approaches to manage and optimize its functionality and its appeal.
These organisations are working together on the SMART SPACE Hardenbergplatz pilot project.