Expert Dialogue
Within Phase 1 of the SMART SPACE Hardenbergplatz pilot project, known as the pre-process, the Expert Dialogue took place on January 26, 2023, at the Change Hub.
The Expert Dialogue facilitates professional exchange on thematic priorities and transformative questions. It is considered the central format for stakeholder participation. From October to December 2022, the steering rounds on the topics of operating model, negotiation platform, and pop-up interventions were successfully conducted. The next step in the pre-process was the workshop of users and usages, which took place in March 2023.

INSEL-PROJEKT.BERLIN GmbH, Fotografin: Ines Grabner
Welcome by Bezirksstadtrat Oliver Schruoffenegger

left to right: Alexander Flemming, Jürgen Besler (infrest), Helke Wendt-Schwarzburg (inter 3), Inga Hahn (HHVH), Moritz Dittrich (stadtraum), Dr. Klaus Jankowski, Maria Rothämel (SKW Schwarz) und Marcus Jeutner (insar)
INSEL-PROJEKT.BERLIN GmbH, Fotografin: Ines Grabner
The Experts

INSEL-PROJEKT.BERLIN GmbH, Fotografin: Ines Grabner
Small group discussions
Retrospective Expert Dialogue

Format: video/unknown