Smart Water – Climate-Friendly Water and Urban Green Space Management

Integrating blue-green infrastructure and other planning aspects (street planning) can significantly mitigate the effects of the climate crisis and add additional qualities to the city. Smart Water aims to use agile rainwater management planning to enable climate-smart urban planning that specifically mitigates water pollution, heat islands, and flooding hotspots. Furthermore, residents are to be made aware of the potential of rainwater utilization for water protection and for the cityscape based on data visualization. Since extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall constitute a significant risk of acute damage and danger, targeted risk communication for the administration is being established along with forward-looking planning, with testing being carried out based on the example of urban drainage. These results are derived by combining existing and newly generated data from the urban space with models via an interoperable data platform that enables data visualization for the purpose of urban planning and for use by citizens.
- Organisation Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin
- Contact person Lisa Junghans - Projektleiterin