Participatory Budgeting and Smart Participation

Responsible organisation
Treptow-Köpenick District Office
Involved organisations
District contact point for citizen participation, Senate Chancellery – statewide participation budget
2023 – 2025

In the context of participatory processes, interests tend to be distorted by a low level of non-representative participation. This lends significant weight to individual interest groups. For example, in participatory budgeting or neighborhood funds in the districts, it is often the same – small numbers of – citizens or groups who participate and contribute their ideas. Stimulating, digitally supported methods of participation and new forms of interaction that are designed to be free of discrimination help reach a diverse spectrum of people. At the same time, the internal administrative workflows for processing project funds must be adjusted to an increasing wave of applications. New digital possibilities are also to be explored for this.

The pilot district is Treptow-Köpenick. A variety of digitally supported participation methods are being tested in Treptow-Köpenick in order to

  1. increase participation in the district’s long-standing neighborhood funds
  2. and support a more efficient processing within the administration.

The existing online participation platform is to be used and supplemented with additional formats. The procedure is coordinated with the departments responsible for the statewide participation budget.
